Sunday, January 16, 2011

Government = Deity?

Since when did the Government of these United States become akin to an almighty, omnipresent, benevolent master?

Conspiracy Theory. Another label for people who question authority. Just say the words "911 was an inside job" and watch most people's eyes glaze over as their minds close.

Is it really so impossible that people within our government or fellow Americans conspired to either orchestrate or allow 911 to happen? Since when did "Government" become our benevolent master, incapable of harming it's own citizens?

Let me see...

How about MK Ultra, an experiment carried out by the government on it's own people exposing them to horrible acts in an attempt to create zombie soldiers capable of penetrating enemy lines as spied. Do you think I'm kidding? Look it up for yourself.

What about the experiment carried out on those men in Tuskeegee where they withheld life saving penicillin and watched the men go crazy and die? Think I'm kidding? Go rent the move The Tuskeegee Experiment.

Just these two things alone make me think anything is possible.

I can't understand why we chose to go back to the days of the monarchy rather than take full advantage of our freedom. Maybe it's just easier to close our minds to the truth and watch football.

Wake up people! The government is not a benevolent God! They are a group of human beings and human beings do bad things too!

All men are created equal.

You don't even have to miss the superbowl, just take a few minutes, open Google and type in Declaration of Independence. After you read that, open Google again and type in Constitution. Then read it. Pay close attention to the part in the Declaration of Independence where it says when government has become corrupt it is the duty, THE DUTY, of the citizens to overthrow that government and put people there who have the good of the country in mind.

While you're at it, go read a little about the fall of the roman empire and the rise of the Third Reich.

Then... maybe then.. you'll start connecting the dots and wake up. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in some alter universe. One where a pretty face is a qualification for President *cough* Sarah Palin. Eek.

If you were interviewing her for a job, any job, and were like, well.. what happened with your last job? The answer is, well, I quit so I could go on tour and speak to large groups of people. Oh yeah, I also have my own reality show, too. Yeah. That's real stick-toitiveness if you ask me. If she became president would she step down if they offered her her own show on NBC or something?

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Stop living your life through the celebrities you see on the TV. Ask questions. It's your right!!!

1 comment:

Lize said...

Spot on Denise! Only problem is that governement are already controlling most citizen's minds and no one will ever ask these questions let alone stand up and overthrow a corrupt governement!