Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Difference Between Terrorism and Gangs

I have been watching the events unfold down on Falcon Lake. A lady and her husband decided to cross the border into the Mexican side of the lake to take pictures of the partially submurged (ok I can't freaking spell it, who cares) church in the abandoned city of Old Guerrero. Can't say I blame the guy for wanting to go photograph that church. If I'm not mistaken, it is at a mission site I had wanted to go photograph myself, but no! I am too esscared for that.

So they went across, took pictures and were on their way back when three boats of pirates starting shooting at them. The man was shot. The lady turns back, tries to get her husband on her jet ski but wasn't able so she leaves him behind and zooms off through the line of pirates. According to the witness she came flying around a bend, frantic to get back to the US and to safety.

We all *should* know that this is not the first act of violence at the border and will not be the last. What I keep wondering is, what is the difference in "Gangs" and "terrorists"? It seems to me like the groups are pretty similar to our friends in the middle east, right? Wasn't it a few months ago the city hall in El Paso was shot at from the other side of the border. These are just a few that I know of.

The San Antonio Express-News had an article in it the other day about how Ciudad Acuna (on the other side of Del Rio) is suffering because no one wants to go across the border anymore. Gone are the days of shopping and drinking pina coladas while walking around the mercado. The bar that once had Antonio Banderas strutting across it while playing the gutarrrrrrrrista in Desperado is now empty.

So what IS the difference in Gang Violence and Terrorism?

Could it be the government does not want to upset the delicate equilibrium we know as NAFTA? Could it be they just don't give a damn? Lord knows Perry has tried to speak to the president a couple of times about the border problem but to no avail. I'm not one to start dogging the "liberals" (whatever that is anymore), but this is starting to piss me off. Americans are being terrorized and the government is doing little to stop it.

How about holding the Mexican government accountable for not doing anything to stop the violence? How about some sanctions similar to the ones we impose on the middle east? Do we not want to pay more for our goods that are made by the corporations relocated to mexico for cheaper wages?

And I will say again, instead of hating the illegals that are here and complaining about them taking our jobs, how about we stop contributing to their delinquency? How about holding their government accountable? If you were the one living in Mexico, wouldn't you do anything and everything you can to get you and your family out of that messed up country? Is that not what our ancestors did? Is this not the promised land?

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