Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Would Jesus Do?

Hello there. I haven't written in this thing in a long time. At first I intended it to be a place to share photography stuff. Now I think I'm switching gears. It's been a long time coming. Let me give you a little background.

When I was younger, I felt like I had a duty to light the way to justice. I'm not sure if it's my Libra nature, I'm not even sure if I believe in a Libra Nature. All I know is that once I had strong opinions about things and just try to get me to shut up. When I was a sophomore in high school I joined the school newspaper where I found an outlet for some of my opinions. Sure, they were juvenile, but I was only a juvenile so what are you going to do? The weight of life started dragging me down to the place where my voice, my "Niecy" or "'lil D" as I like to call my inner child, was hiding somewhere deep inside. Somewhere along the way I got shoved down so far inside me I was hiding for fear I would be discovered. As if I didn't matter at all.

Now I realize I do. My Lil D has been trying to come out for a long time. With therapy, self discovery and many of life's trials and tribulations I have come to the point where I am stepping out into the unknown. I am slowly ripping off my protective armor and exposing my tender heart to the world.

I have declared my independence. To who and from whom are two different matters, but I'll delve into that later. I have thrown the stone away and it's time to step into the light.

So. I thought I would entitle this first blog, What Would Jesus Do?

This is a thought isn't it? I am of the belief that many of us do not know what Jesus would do. I am coming to believe that many of us professed Christians do not even KNOW what Jesus really said or did or stood for. Many of us do our time in church on Sunday as if we're racking up points with the Big Guy for when we're standing outside the Pearly Gates of Heaven. I hate to break this to you, but if you READ the BIBLE it says that Jesus himself said that you do not earn your way into Heaven.

I believe that religion is used to medicate the masses and to dumb us down to do other people's bidding. Next time you're in church flipping from book to book, trying to keep up with the preacher, ask yourself why you're flipping from book to book. Why don't we ever just focus on one book of the Bible? WHY is it that people take one sentence from one book then tell us to flip over to another book, find another sentence, then flip to another book... and so on? Have you ever heard of the phrase, taken out of context? I'm sure if I really tried I would script any message I want out of the Bible by removing sentences one at a time and putting them together to form my own paragraph. Convenient.

When someone hurts us, our President tells us they're EVIL. What do we know, but men are good AND evil, that we ALL have sin in our hearts. So, then how can we just throw up our hands and label one person or group as EVIL. Those EVIL Homosexuals, those EVIL terrorists, those EVIL pro-lifers.. I could go on and on.

What I'm saying now is let us journey into what Jesus REALLY said. Let us read all of the paragraphs. Let us LIVE by His word. Let us actually DO and LIVE the things he tells us to do, instead of going to church and hoping he'll take away all our sins as if *poof* by magic.

It's not that way, people. You have to work it. You have to live it. You have to be it. You have to heed his words, not just go to church and proclaim yourselves saved. You got saved. Good. Now what? Now what are you going to do?

1 comment:

Denise Butler said...

What I meant by "earn your way to Heaven" in this is You can't BUY your way into Heaven by showing up at church on Sunday or paying to be saved or anything like that. The way he was against the Rabbis charging for forgiveness for sins.